3. The New Testament is Born

One task facing the early church was to decide what writings would and would not be accepted as authoritative scripture, "canonical." The books in the bible we have today were finally chosen as being inspired by God. Many have argued that they made a mistake or two in their decisions. 
Follow this link and read the text under the following subtitles:

What is the Canon of Scripture?
Who Decided Which Books Should Be Placed in the Bible?
What Criteria Were Used in Determining Which Books Belong in the Bible?
How Do We Know the Correct Books Are in the Bible?

Also Follow this link and read 

What is your response or reaction to how the Bible came into being? Write a paragraph of about 4-6 sentences responding to what you read. 


  1. It is interesting about how the NT was formed. Of all the book written by writers claiming to be inspired by God, only a few passed. The only books that passed were those that were were unquestionably true, and those that were inspired by God. As a result, today we have a book with is true and written in accordance with God.

  2. It is very interesting how dedicated the people were to create the book of the New Testament. First of all I was kind of shocked that God himself choose the books that went into the bible. It is also intersecting how the could tell the difference between the true teachings and the false. In order to make it official the writers had to be an Apostle (follower of Christ). I think God since he choose the books of the bible knew which ones to put into it. And as far as we know all the people who wrote the books where followers of Christ and not false prophets.

  3. What really interests me is How those people were seeking for the Truth and how they Worked and Sought for it.
    From what I read they were very serious about Seeking for what was true and the Holy Spirit was really Working in them Too show them what was true and what was false.
    it Gives me something too think about how we should Keep Seeking the true word of God that we may also gain a Spirit of Wisdom and Truth. That we shouldn't fall any other false teachings that aren't written in the Bible.

  4. i think Nandri and Titus said Everything I wanted to Say.:)

  5. I think it is very interesting the way the bible was formed. It actually amazed me that people that knew Jesus would write things that weren't really though, and many have things that contradict Jesus's teachings. It was interesting how they chose which books to place into the bible and how they compared that books. I found it interesting that the authors had to be apostles (Follower of Christ).

  6. This is Nadia's I could not get into my own because our computer is on Nandris GMAIl!!!!

    What is the Canon of Scripture?

    The Canon of scripture are the book that Christens regard as the truth and what they use to follow the teachings of Christ. The Canon was established in the 5th century and with lots of disagreements. There where rules about putting together a New Testament, no teachings against Jesus is one example.

    Who Decided Which Books Should Be Placed in the Bible?

    I researched it and I found that no one unparticular decided which books went into the bible, But God himself. Some of the books in the bible are letters that brothers sent to the church to strengthen the congregation or members.

    What Criteria Were Used in Determining Which Books Belong in the Bible?

    There are more but I did not understand the others.
    1. The books or chapters had to be written by an apostle or a very very close associate of an apostle or Jesus.
    2. They had to read it to the congregation for a while to get more points of views and understandings.
    3. The books had to be consistent; meaning they all had to have the same solid foundation, the same teachings.
    4. They had to be written during the apostle ages.

    How Do We Know the Correct Books Are in the Bible?

    We know because for years that have passed we have used these books, and grown with this knowledge of Christ. We have found peace and security with these teachings. Also God would never allow his people to be misled for so many generations.

  7. What is the Canon of Scripture?

    The Canon of scripture are the book that Christens regard as the truth and what they use to follow the teachings of Christ. The Canon was established in the 5th century and with lots of disagreements. There where rules about putting together a New Testament, no teachings against Jesus is one example.

    Who Decided Which Books Should Be Placed in the Bible?

    I researched it and I found that no one unparticular decided which books went into the bible, But God himself. Some of the books in the bible are letters that brothers sent to the church to strengthen the congregation or members.

    What Criteria Were Used in Determining Which Books Belong in the Bible?
    There are more but I did not understand the others.
    1. The books or chapters had to be written by an apostle or a very very close associate of an apostle or Jesus.
    2. They had to read it to the congregation for a while to get more points of views and understandings.
    3. The books had to be consistent; meaning they all had to have the same solid foundation, the same teachings.
    4. They had to be written during the apostle ages.

    How Do We Know the Correct Books Are in the Bible?

    We know because for years that have passed we have used these books, and grown with this knowledge of Christ. We have found peace and security with these teachings. Also God would never allow his people to be misled for so many generations.


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