4. Christianity Spreads Despite Persecution

In Carthage, North Africa, early church theologian Tertullian argued that persecution actually strengthens the church; as martyrs bravely die for the faith, onlookers convert. He once said, "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church." (Morgan Lee)

Follow this link  and read the sections under each underlined sentence that describes the 10 great persecutions of Christians in the first 5 centuries.

Why do you think Christianity continued to spread despite the persecution? 
Would you choose to be tortured or die for your faith today?


  1. 1. If one is persecuted, that person has two roads to take. If that person is weak in faith, they will renounce their faith. If that person is strong in faith, they will pray and become closer to God, and ask Him for strength throughout great torture.

    "... if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps. He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.” 1 Peter 2:20-22

    2. If asked this now, I'd say "yes," but I don't truly know until I am in that situation. Perhaps I'd stand strong. Perhaps I'd turn my back on Him.

  2. They saw the faith in the people who were prosecuted and admired them; hundreds of people converted to Christianity after the witnessed the gruesome deaths, and how the Christians accepted it. Despite prosecution many found the words of God and the faith of the Christians appealing. They didn't want the word of God to fall away from the people.

    I don’t think that I would be brave enough to choose. My faith in God is not as strong, but I someone would ask me now I probably would say yes, but in realty I think I would not have the courage to do that.

  3. I think the people that were Persecuted were either Apostles or Christians Who ministered or spoke for Christ The Holy Spirit was Working through them and they were shining there light and being Witnesses for Christ. They planted a good seed for Christ by preaching the word to people "So shall my word be that goes forth from My Mouth; It shall not Return too me Void,
    But it shall accomplish what I please, and it Shall Prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11 The Spirit was Working in People so that after the Christians were persecuted they were convicted to Live and Work for Christ.

    i Hope and Pray that when the time of persecution comes I Will Be STRONG In My Faith and that my Love for My Lord will be so deep that I will Have Joy in being Persecuted and dying for Christ

  4. 1. I think they continued to spread because they feared God more than men. They knew, yes, they could be killed but they won't have to face the fiery pits of hell if they didn't renounce their faith. They stood for what they believed, and God strengthened them. People saw a light in them, and they were amazed by the strength of their faith and how they didn't renounce it even when death was licking at their heels. "Whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven"Matthew 10:33. Christians didn't renounce their faith. I think people knew there was something there in that religion, something that even death couldn't take away.

    2. I hope and pray that if that should ever happen I'll be ready and I'll be able to lay my life down for God. I will pray that God gives me the strength. I think that if it would come down to it, God would give me strength, that is if I fully trust him. I hope that my faith would be strong enough to withstand it. Thinking about going to hell later for renouncing your faith seems much worse though.

  5. Why do you think Christianity continued to spread despite the persecution?

    I think it continued to spread after prosecution because people saw God’s spirit and truth in the Christians that lost their lives. The people had a feeling that there is something behind the reason why thousands of christens would choose to lose their lives for Christ. So I think they went in search of this religion that died for what they believe in and followed their footsteps.

    Would you choose to be tortured or die for your faith today?

    I cannot answer this question because I do not rightly know. I wish I could say straight out YES, but I cannot. Because I know for a fact that without Jesus helping and guiding me I will never be able to make such a step. I know I do not want to lose Jesus, for there is no reason to live without Jesus. So if that time ever comes I pray he will guide me and help me make my choice to follow him in to death.


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