9: Causes that Led to the Protestant Reformation--Roman Catholicism Error

One wonders how a single man like Martin Luther could ignite a revolution which had such far-reaching effects that it changed the course of history forever. There are several factors which contributed to the success of the Protestant Reformation that was kindled by Luther when he nailed the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church in October 31, 1517. 

One of the greatest factors was the false doctrine in Roman Catholicism which enslaved millions of souls for many centuries prior to the Reformation.

Visit the following sites and see for yourself why thousands stood up for this cause after the Reformation was ignited. 
  • The Roman Catholic Church believes many false doctrines that are contrary to the Bible, and were unknown to the early Church. Visit the links that are highlighted yellow or others you find interesting. You will have to scroll to find the correct number.
4.     Penance
5.     Priests
7.     Confirmation
I am not introducing you to these doctrinal errors just for busy work. As we begin studying Hutterite history we will come across some of these false doctrines. In our sermons at church and in The Chronicle of the Hutterian Brethren one can often read excerpts on how Hutterite Missionaries who were arrested and interrogated debated with Catholic priests, bishops, and other clergymen concerning false doctrines practiced by Catholics.

Please write a minimum of 10-15 sentences on your reaction to one or more of these false doctrines. Please include a short quote so we know to what doctrine you are referring to.


  1. “Only the Roman Catholic Church has authority to interpret Scripture”

    3. CCC 100, "The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him."

    My reaction of this false teaching is surprised and dreaded. I mean what if we did not all have our own bible and testament. I love to read on my own and on my own time. I mean it is freedom that these poor people did not have. It was a privilege not granted to them by their leaders, and only because their leaders wanted to control them. So they used God and religion and the fear of hell to make the people do what they wanted, to get rich with the word of God. It sounds so evil, cold and heartless.

    The popes thought it would be best if the people did not read the bible, because they were uneducated and they could interpret it the wrong way. But in truth the popes were the once who were misleading the people. The people could have had an opportunity to become true followers of Christ, but popes had other ideas. He wanted to make money and so he led the people away from Christ. Although some rebelled against the pope because they knew there was a truer truth then the pope was teaching them.

  2. ERROR 17: Indulgences (1190 AD)

    A person after confessing his sins to a priest, in order to be free from the punishment still due for his sins, requires the church to pray for his rehabilitation. The person must do penance works such as fasting, making pilgrimages, giving money, making prayers or inflicting pain on oneself, as a penalty for sins committed.

    Historically, people found it easier to pay money to the Roman Catholic church than to pray for long hours. The Roman Catholic church preferred money because the Pope ran out of cash in building St Peters Basilica in Rome. So the Roman Catholic church issued the person with an official statement that he had received release from the penalties through the payment of money. This document was called an indulgence. They could be bought for friends and relatives who had died and passed into purgatory, thus shortening the time that they would have to spend there.

    This was nothing but a scam to get money. The church sold indulgences to those who "found it easier to pay money to the Roman Catholic church than to pray for long hours." Even if a peasant sinned, they were told that they could only be forgiven via buying indulgences. The rich became richer and the poor became poorer.
    While building the St Peters Basilica in Rome, the pope ran out of money. So he started sacrificing human souls to get money. He traded human souls for money. And then, later on, maybe because the church didn't collect enough money, they started saying that people can buy their dead relatives out of purgatory and into heaved. They said that if people didn't pay, their relatives will probably end up in hell. If I were a catholic, I would jump at the chance to buy my relatives' fair into heaven.... Just think of the immense wealth collected by the church, money stolen (there is no other way to put it) from the peasants and widows.

  3. An indulgence, in Roman Catholic theology, means that temporal punishment (punishment here on Earth) for sins which have already been forgiven is taken from the sinner.[1]

    A Roman Catholic indulgence, dated Dec. 19, 1521. The use of the printing press made possible the mass production of form documents offering indulgences.
    The indulgence is given by the church after the sinner has confessed and received absolution.[2] Indulgences replaced the severe penances of the early church.

    Martin Luther protested against them because they were sold. This was the starting point for the Protestant Reformation (1517).

    I think that indulgences are absurd because many people still after paying for their sins are not a peace. The indulgences only benefit the Catholics. They use that money only for their needs and gain. If the people sell their sins after confession the sins still bother them because it is not really and truly forgiven by God. The people get nothing in return because they still have there sins and the hundreds of thousands of dollars now belong to the false teachers (Catholics).

    The Catholics Popes hide so many important things from their followers. They lead the people astray. They teach their people wrong. People pay thousands of dollars to lay of a sin, but they do not feel peace because it has not been truly forgiven, but the people don't know that. They think that the teachings are right because that's all they know. They follow the ones the trust are right.

  4. I chose # 15.Purgatory (593 AD)
    “CCC 1031, "The Church gives the name Purgatory to this final purification of the elect, which is entirely different from the punishment of the damned. The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Councils of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire”.
    Wow! This is so absurd and horrifying that people actually believe this. The pope telling people that money can pay off sins is ridiculous, but this, this is stupid. Purgatory is a stage after physical death in which some of those ultimately destined for heaven must first "undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven," holding that "certain offenses can be forgiven in this age, but certain others in the age to come. I believe this is not right, and that if you die it is either hell or heaven not a state in which you undergo a so called purification. You should make sure you are clean and free of sins on this earth not after you have passed away.
    The Catholic teachings are really confusing, and this is also confusing. I am trying to figure out what the Catholics are saying exactly, because to me, it doesn’t make any sense. I think if people would actually read the bible, they would all be able to see the false teachings. I think one doctrine leads up to the next. The Catholics think that you have to undergo purification because you have to be made pure enough to enter the joy of heaven, yet, I have never read that Jesus said this in all his teachings. By my understanding, he has never mentioned this.
    We should live purely on this Earth. We should serve Christ, and be submissive to him. I know that me myself and I am probably not living the most Christ-like life but I am trying and I know what they are teaching is false. Live purely and sin-free on Earth, and you will receive a one-way ticket to heaven. Honestly, I am disgusted with their thinking.

    Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary and souls in purgatory begging the Virgin for her intercession. This already proves to be false.
    No human is pure, and Mary was pure. We are born with sins. It has been said that when the trumpet sounds and Jesus comes down from the high heavens, there will be a judgment. That does not include purification.

  5. Prayer to the saints
    CCC 2677, "By asking Mary to pray for us, we acknowledge ourselves to be poor sinners and we address ourselves to the 'Mother of Mercy,' the All-Holy One. We give ourselves over to her now, in the Today of our lives. And our trust broadens further, already at the present moment, to surrender 'the hour of our death' wholly to her care."

    This Is so disturbing. Just too see how many people have prayed this and how many still do. Those poor people are in such darkness it makes me sad. We As Christians know what Joy we have in our Jesus our Lord and Savior that we undeserving Sinful Humans Can come Boldly unto His Throne of Grace in our Times of Need For Mercy and to Cast all our Cares on Him He Cares For us. Our Jesus Pleads For us Before His Heavenly Father.
    Oh How truly Blessed We are To Know Our Savior Who is The WAY The TRUTH and The LIFE! Thank You My Loving Lord For The Way of Salvation.


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